Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I went to Fred Meyer because they have cherries for $1.49/lb, and cherries are like crack for me (and who doesn't love cheap crack?!), and while there got sidetracked by the makeup section (damn you, Essence display) and the facial cleansers.  Admittedly, I actually do need a new cleanser (mission accomplished, for $1.50 less than retail!  Review will come in the next couple weeks after I've used it some), but the lipgloss I got?  Totally unnecessary, especially since l/g is not my favorite.  But $2.29!  And coral!  And non-sticky (which I knew because I'd gotten the same gloss in a different color on a previous visit...)!  How was I supposed to resist?  And therein lies the problem.  I can justify my makeup purchases way too easily.  Thus, I am going on a no-buy!  I will not be buying any new products until at least after my birthday (end of July).  I have all my basics covered, so there's absolutely nothing I will find myself needing, and that's that.  But not to worry, I've still got a slew of things to review, which hopefully now I can get around to doing!

Have you ever gone on a no-buy?  Would you?
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