Sunday, July 24, 2011

Aspirin and Yogurt Mask Review

For some reason, my skin was really acting up today––perhaps because it's finally gotten hot here and my skin doesn't know what to do with the sweatiness.  Lots of new zits, redness, irritation...not fun.  I figured tonight would be a good time to try an aspirin mask, known for helping calm reactive skin.  Lord knows such remedies haven't always worked as they should for me (cucumber toner, for one)...
But I'm happy to say this one did!  It didn't magically clear up my face, but I couldn't expect to see that dramatic of a difference an hour later (I'll report back in a week or two about whether regular use makes any difference in my acne).  I did, however, see a significant reduction in the irritated, red skin and bumps that had plagued me during the day.  We'll see what more regular use does for my skin, but if you ever find yourself needing near-immediate calming of your skin, this mask is a good choice!

4-6 crushed uncoated aspirin (I found mine at the local health foods store, but it could probably also be found at supermarkets, Costco, Wal-Mart, Target, etc.)
A few drops of water to dissolve the aspirin (you want it to be a paste)
~1 T Greek or other thick yogurt

Blend in a bowl and apply to face with fingers.  Leave on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse off and admire your calm skin!

You can leave out the yogurt and apply the aspirin paste directly to your skin as a mask, but I find that tends to fall off as it dries (messy).  I like the exfoliation and moisturizing properties of yogurt anyways, and it works great as a glue for the aspirin.

Have you ever used an aspirin mask?  How did it work for you?
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