Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Zoya Nail Polish in Neeka Review and Swatches

Another Zoya for your viewing pleasure! I put off posting this one because I was hoping I could reswatch it, since the pictures didn't come out as well as I would have liked, but then my nails went to hell so for the time being I'm staying away from polish and just using treatments. Long story short: I'm using my old photos. I apologize for the slight blurriness!
Zoya Neeka, enlarge to see the shimmers!

Neeka is a muted cool purple with gold and purple shimmer. The shimmer is larger than normal, but not as big as glitter, so it's really evident on the nails but doesn't leave a bumpy finish (score!).

It's nicely pigmented and was opaque after 2 coats, and the formula was a good consistency (didn't pool or streak). I really love the Zoya brush, because it's short, pretty firm, and slightly rounded, so it's really easy to maneuver and cuts down on the amount of cuticle cleanup I have to do!

$8 for 0.50 oz, available from Zoya, Ulta, and some nail salons

Color: 9 (I love purples! And shimmers! And dark muted shades like this look good on everyone, pretty much, unless you're really warm-complected)
Formula: 9
Brush & Bottle: 5
Pigmentation & Finish: 4.75 (needs top coat to be really shiny)
Price/Value: 4
Grade: A-

What do you think of Neeka? Do you like dark purples like this?
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