Saturday, March 17, 2012

Skincare Saturday: Philosophy Hope in a Jar

This is going to be a quick-and-dirty review, because I don't have time for anything else! Sadface :-( Or maybe happyface, because it will force me to be succinct (not my strong suit!).
image via Sephora
Got a sample of this as a 100-point perk from Sephora. Pros: Absorbs quickly, doesn't break me out, doesn't increase my oiliness. Cons: Smells kind of weird (herbal, similar to Purity but stronger and mustier; Musings of a Muse once described it as "wet dog", which is worse than what I smell, but it's pretty polarizing), doesn't minimize oiliness, and isn't actually very moisturizing. I put it on when I was having some dry flaky skin issues, and it did basically nothing to help with that. Ended up just going back to my trusty Amber Cream, which worked like a charm. Get that instead of this––you get twice as much and it's less than half the price. Plus, it's supporting a local (to me!) small business, and it smells awesome.
$15 for 0.5 oz, $38 for 2 oz, $60 for 4 oz, $110 for 8 oz, available from Sephora

Bottom line: didn't live up to the hype for me, alas. Have you tried it? What did you think?
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