Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Another Non-Post

Hello, lovelies! I just wanted to post and let you know that I'm not dead, I'm just having oodles of fun in New York and haven't gotten the chance to write any posts (and I forgot to bring my camera cord, so haven't been able to upload any pictures). I will have lots to share with you in the next few weeks, though, so get excited! I also wanted to remind you to enter the giveaways, if you haven't already! Be sure to check out the instructions for how to enter.

I'll be flying home tomorrow, and then hopefully working on some posts the next couple days. Things to look forward to: lots of food (including crack ice cream, yes, it's a thing), some high-end makeup, silly faces, and ramblings on the city.

Hope all is well in your life!
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