The end of the term is nigh, and as I am actually taking a class this term (my final required course! The UO linguistics program requires 2+ years of course work for the Ph.D., because...getting out in 5 years is for squares, amiright?), I have a term paper and am currently swimming in semantics data. So I have been/am going to be even more absent than usual until Thursday the 20th, which is when my paper is due. Not that you'll probably notice anything unusual, given how sporadic I am at posting, heh.
But I actually have a point to this post! I'm requesting music recommendations––I work on perception, not production, in part so that I can listen to music while I'm analyzing data. (I did production work in the past, and even though production is, honestly, generally more interesting than perception, it is an absolute nightmare to work with the data. #overlyhonestmethods?) I like things that are upbeat, but am open to any ideas. Some things in regular rotation at Amy'nin evi include: Vienna Teng (her new album is fun!), Florence and the Machine, Oh Land, Wolf Gang, Bastille, ZZ Ward, Phildel, Bitter:Sweet, and Ke$ha (no, I have no shame). I like things that have clapping (the songs Bedroom Hymns and Working Man come to mind), banjos (cheerful bluegrass, which I know is a total oxymoron and blasphemous etc etc., see afore-mentioned lack of musical shame), and harmonicas (Timber!). I also love Disney songs, some of Adele's more bombastic stuff, and oldies––I was raised on Springsteen (and Jimmy Buffett, but that was always somewhat unwilling on my part). So please! Throw your suggestions my way!
Other random things:
It's been sunny and 65 here and it is amazing but I can't work outside because computer screens don't like sunshine, and now that classes are over, I don't even get to walk around on campus between classes. (I'm going to try and force myself to walk around outside every couple hours, though. I'm always really grouchy when I'm interrupted when I'm working, but it can be really good to take a break and think. I guess I'm learning something after 19 years of this school thing?)
I finished teaching for this term today, and you guys, I already miss my students so much. I had such a great class this term.
I literally just realized that "vapor" and "evaporation" are related words. Native speakers don't need to decompose vocabulary, apparently, or else I'm just an idiot. Both are possible.
I have both Sara Bareilles' Brave and Katy Perry's Roar on my Grooveshark right now, and they just played back to back and I finally fully realized that they are the same song. I mean, I'd heard that they were before, but my musical memory is not great. One of them ended and the other began and I was like, wait, is this a repeated song? BUT IT WASN'T! Whoaaaa.
That's all for now. Gimme your music! And your random facts!