Friday, July 5, 2013

Off We Go!

I write this sitting in the Portland airport, waiting for my (redeye, ugh) flight to New York. I had the best of intentions for writing a pre-trip post, complete with all the beauty supplies I'm bringing with me, but ran out of time to take photographs (the whole thing is written, though, darn). I'll try to get to it sometime next week!

In case anyone doesn't already know, I'm going to be in Turkey and Berlin for a few weeks with the boy––sightseeing and researcher visiting in Turkey, conference presenting and birthday having in Berlin––after a week in NYC. I'll be back home August 14, but until then, I'll be keeping a travel blog, Still A Hungry Linguist, which you're welcome to follow if you're so inclined, though I'll be posting anything beauty-related on here. Reviews and such will probably slow down a lot, but I will try to post whenever I have something relevant! I'm just giddy at the thought of all the new brands I'll get to explore...

What are your travel necessities? Have you been to Turkey/do you have any suggestions for places to go? 
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