I tried to get myself inspired to write a makeupy post, but...it didn't work. So here's more haiku fragrances!
Have y'all tried any of these? Thoughts?
Sweet Anthem Lolita
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Muted and sweet, it's
a soft fruity floral with
beautiful drydown.
Atelier Cologne Pomelo Paradis
Bright grapefruit rind, short
wear; sharper than Orange Sang
simpler than Eau Sau
Judgment: Use it up.
Atelier Cologne Sud Magnolia
Fruit fleur melange, rose,
but I rather like. Very
summery, light, ripe.
Judgment: Use it up.
Antica Farmacista Prosecco Le Parfum
Less fruit than Sud, more
dry raspy champagne. I'd like
as home fragrance best.
Judgment: Pass it on.
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wear; sharper than Orange Sang
simpler than Eau Sau
Judgment: Use it up.
Atelier Cologne Sud Magnolia
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but I rather like. Very
summery, light, ripe.
Judgment: Use it up.
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dry raspy champagne. I'd like
as home fragrance best.
Judgment: Pass it on.
Solstice Scents Coquina (DC)
Liked it more before
Now it smells fusty, stale; may
be it got too old?
Judgment: Throw it out.
These were from a single-use thing from Sephora, so no Judgments (plenty of judgment, though):
Philosophy Compassion
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Sweet sweet vanilla
Seriously, just vanille
Too boring for me.
Philosophy Grateful
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Claim "watery flo-
ral", I get...almost nothing;
Sea anosmia?
Have y'all tried any of these? Thoughts?