Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Kryolan Anti-Shine Powder Review and Pictures

Powder mattifying products are my best friend. I've used (and loved) Mattify! ULTRA in the past, but wanted to try something else that would hopefully be cheaper, and after trawling the internet, came upon Kryolan Anti-Shine Powder. Kryolan, stationed in Berlin (Ich bin Berliner!) is a makeup company designed for use in theater and bills itself as being long-wear and heavy-duty. Their Anti-Shine Powder is formulated to survive long shooting sessions while keeping the face shine-free, without adding a white cast. Does it succeed? (Spoiler: I can't actually attest to whether it survives long shooting sessions, since, hello, grad student not model/actor. But I figure my normal-person observations are helpful, too?)
See label
It is an extremely finely-milled rice powder, and a little goes a loooong way. The remarkable thing about it is that even after a heavy application, it doesn't look white (though I'm so pale, I might not really notice if it did...) or powdery at all (except on my really dry spots), and even better, doesn't give a flat, lifeless finish to my face like some mattifying powders can do. Instead, it looks like I have normal skin––not flat, not oily, just naturally slightly glowy. Y'know, my skin but (way) better. I haven't bothered to take a swatch picture of it, because it's invisible once applied, but if you really want to see it swatched, I can update this post with pictures. I don't think it quite gives me the same airbrushed finish as Meow Top Cat, but it comes close, and controls my oilies better than that does.

I've found that a single application of this in the morning over my Amber Cream and MAC Matchmaster foundation (review tomorrow!) keeps me completely shine-free for 6+ hours, and a quick blot keeps me going for another 2-3. I am way too lazy to carry around powder and a brush with me, and I love that this lasts for as long as I'm ever out of the house. It's great. Seriously. The thing I love almost as much as its performance? The fact that it comes in an enormous jar. It holds 30 g (1 oz) of product in a 3 oz jar with sifter, and I expect it to last me a year. I had hoped to transfer some of the powder to a smaller sifter jar, but I've yet to finagle the sifter out of the jar (it's very securely fitted), but keeping half of the sifter holes covered (which is fortunately part of the design, yay) helps prevent too much product from coming out.
Kryolan (left) and Mattify! (right)
Compared to my Mattify! jar (now used for holding Meow foundation), you can see just how ridiculously large the Kryolan is.

It's hard to find Kryolan in the US, it's sold on eBay by Sugarpill (eBay name shrinkle), the creator of one of the best-respected indie MMU companies, so I figured it was safe to order, and indeed, it was. I definitely recommend buying from her, since it's basically risk-free, and her prices are very competitive (including standard shipping, it's $20.75 for 1 oz/30 g of product in a 3 oz jar). Compared to Mattify! ULTRA, the Kryolan controls my oil just as well, if not better, and costs 33% less for the same amount (or, more startlingly, the Mattify! costs 50% more, whoamath), and I will definitely purchase again when I eventually run out.

$20.75 for 1 oz, available from Sugarpill on eBay (who also makes extremely vibrant eyeshadows, both pressed and loose, if you're interested in checking those out at the same time!)

Quality: 9.5
Effectiveness: 5
Ease of Use: 4.75 (the jar is big and can be unwieldy)
Senses: 5
Pigmentation: 5 (completely translucent on me, though I cannot swear that it will be the same for those who are darker; MUA reviews do suggest that's the case, though)
Duration: 4.5
Consistency: 5 (so smooth and finely-milled)
Price: 3 (yes, it's cheap compared to other finishing powders, but $20 still makes me sad)
Value: 5+
Grade: A

What's your favorite shine-control product? Have you ever tried anything from Kryolan?
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